Sunday, December 7, 2014

A new painting

It's been such a busy fall, that I have only this one painting to show for my time in the studio!  I took the photo in Yorkville, when visiting my daughter and getting around to the galleries I know best.  It was a beautiful sunny day, and the shadows on the busy streets were strong and inviting.  This painting was a result.  It is very simplified, which I love to do, so if you happen to recognize the spot you won't see the usual details that are there.  I loved the contrast between the dark of the tree and street in the foreground, and the sunlight on the street and houses farther on.  I added a person from a different view, to represent the path that we are all hopefully taking in life--  from darkness into light.  From misperception into truth.  From bondage into freedom.  From confusion into faith.  Although the painting certainly doesn't look Christmas-y, it brings to mind the prophecy of the coming of Jesus in Isaiah 9,  "The people walking in darkness have seen a great light."  Added to the significance of the light, is my love of painting buildings, angles, and windows!

"Walking toward the light"
16 X 20

1 comment:

Dave Giles said...

Kathie - as always, spectacular!
